Our canine friends can get up to all sorts of strange antics, you might be asking yourself “Is my dog normal?”.
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There are some weird dog behaviours not even the experts can explain! But these fantastic terms have sprung up in recent years to describe some of the odd things our dogs are getting up to.
Funny weird dog behaviours
Zoomies, FRAP
Zoomies, also known as FRAP (Frenetic Random Activity Period) attacks, are precisely that, random bursts of high activity and energy.
They usually don’t last long and you will know a “zoomie episode” when you see one.
Your dog may suddenly start running around like crazy from one end of the house to the other, or you may see your dog running in frantic circles for no apparent reason!
Pluffed, pluffer, pluffs
Definition – A type of army style crawl, when a dog lays flat on it’s belly (see Sploot) and drags itself along the carpet in an attempt to make humans laugh.
Often accompanied by chomping and a waggy tail for added comedy purposes.
Pronked, pronking, pronks
To leap or bound high in the air with the legs straight and the back arched, as do certain animals, especially the springbok.
Dogs often mimick this bouncy behaviour in tall grass, usually accompanied by a tongue hanging out!
Splooting, also known as frogging.
Definition of a sploot; a stretch that involves kicking one or both legs out behind the body.
Getting the belly as close to the floor as possible. Types of sploot include: The side sploot. The Classic sploot. The full sploot.
The act of showing all of the dog’s teeth in a smile-like pose.
Can sometimes be accompanied by multiple sneezes.
Usually during play or as a submissive gesture, but can sometimes be a sign of aggression.
Worrying weird dog behaviours

Velcro dog
Definition – A dog that is especially clingy or close to a particular person.
Certain breeds are more prone to being “velcro”, and follow their human around everywhere, even the loo!
We love having them around, but if your dog is a bit too interested in your activities it might be down to separation anxiety.
Chomping air – Also known as “fly biting” or “fly catching” to describe canines who appear to be nipping at an invisible fly.
Often used as a ploy to get attention without barking, but can also sometimes be a show of fear as an aggressive reaction to being intimidated.
Head Pressing
Pressing the head against the wall or another firm object – there’s a need for your immediate attention.
Head pressing is a common sign of a serious problem, such as toxic poisoning or brain disease.
Make an appointment with your vet right away.
Definition of scooting – when a dog drags it’s rear along the floor.
It’s commonly mistaken as a sign of worms but this is rarely the reason.
It is most often due to a build-up of fluid in the anal glands that need expressing, a vet can show you how to do this properly.
It might also be down to allergies or intolerance to certain foods, review your dogs diet to make sure they are getting the best nutrition.
Also known as “ghost-walking” or “weed-walking”.
Trancing occurs when a dog walks under a plant or tree and appears to enter “slow-motion” mode.
While it can be scary to witness the first time, some thinking the dog is having some kind of seizure, it’s not known to be caused by any neurological problems.
In fact most dogs seem to enjoy trancing, and can appear thoroughly miffed if they are disturbed!