Butternut Box discount and review

Jack Russell puppy food

If you are looking for a Butternut Box discount code and want to read reviews of Butternut Box, then you’re in the right place! Butternut Box is revolutionising the world of dog food, and (spoiler alert) we are completely smitten. If we had the time, all loving dog owners would freshly prepare our dogs dinners … Read more

Boost your dog’s diet: 8 Healthy herbs for dogs that you can grow in your garden

Jack Russell puppy outdoors

Do you have dog-friendly herbs in your garden? The chances are that you use them for your cooking. However, you might not know that some are healthy herbs for dogs too. As a dog owner, you have a responsibility to look after their health and well-being. The last thing you want is for them to … Read more

How to spot an overweight dog, the best weight control dog food and nutrition tips

Weight Control Dog Food UK

Is your dog overweight? If your dog has excess fat it can affect their overall health and cause serious problems as they get older. It might be worth considering going on a dog diet, using a combination of weight control dog food, exercise and healthy treats to improve your dogs health. Is my dog overweight? … Read more